About Longline Fishery Association

The Longline Fishery Association (LFA) was established in February 2013. It was instituted due to fishing companies’ commercial interests. The LFA helps jointly represent and protect their interests, consistently improve the efficiency of the fishery and the quality of the products produced. One of the most important reasons for establishment of such an association was the steadily growing need to introduce international principles of sustainable fishery into the activities of fishing companies.
Today, the LFA is an interregional non-profit organization based on membership.
The LFA provides the following services:
- Increasing the responsibility of member organizations aimed at preventing poaching, illegal fishing and illegal seafood production, as well as violations of legislation in the field of protection of aquatic biological resources and their habitats;
- Participating in the development of legal framework that regulates and sets standards in cooperation with government management of fisheries. Our experts develop proposals that focus on Russian law improvement in the fishery industry and provide legal consultation and advice;
- Formulates proposals aimed at improving of government control and supervision in the field of protection of aquatic biological resources and their habitats;
- Improvement of the fishery at all its levels to bring it in line with international criteria of sustainable fishery. Our specialists collect and analyze the materials necessary for environmental auditing and obtaining environmental certificates.
About longline fishery

Longline fishing is a method of fishery that uses a long line with baited hooks attached at certain intervals. Longline fishery can be pelagic or bottom, vertical or horizontal. Sword fish, tuna, halibut, shark, skate, cod, pollock, etc. are usually caught this way.
Horizontal longline fishing, which at the commercial level employs from a few hundreds to thousands of hooks, consists of three main stages: longline setting, fishing and catching. Longline setting is carried out at any time of day or night from the stern of the vessel and catching – from the working board side. This technique is passive and uses the drift pelagic or fixed bottom longlines with baited hooks. Such type of gear is usually used for catching various bottom and pelagic fish species.
Squids are caught with an active longline where cigar-shaped jiggers with one or two circular rows of beardless hooks serve as a bait. Attracted by the movement of jiggers squids wrap their tentacles around the hook and are caught.
Bottom longlines with special traps (pots) are used to catch crabs.
Video about longline fishing:
About Sustainable Fishery

The fishery is called sustainable when it meets the following conditions:
- can last as long as desired;
- seeks for the health status of ecosystems and the highest possible level of commercial stocks;
- supports the diversity, structure and functioning of those ecosystems on which it depends on, seeking to minimize the damage from its activities;
- corresponds to local, federal and international legislation and standards;
- creates opportunities for economic and social development.
Reducing seabird by-catch during longline operations on the LFA vessels:
Vessel "Taler",
LLC "Sigma Marine Technology",
May, 2018
Vessel "Finval",
LLC "Polaris",
May, 2018
Vessel "Afalina",
LLC "Interrybflot",
May, 2018
Vessel "Komandor",
LLC "Interrybflot",
May, 2018
Ассоциация "Ярусный промысел" готовится к сертификации донного ярусного промысла тихоокеанской трески и белокорого палтуса по стандартам Морского попечительского совета (MSC).

С 2013 года ассоциация "Ярусный промысел" совместно с Партнерством по устойчивому рыболовству (SFP) осуществляет Проект совершенствования рыболовства.

Прогресс Проекта совершенствования рыболовства, осуществляемый ассоциацией "Ярусный промысел", можно отслеживать на сайтах Ассоциации, SFP и FishSource.